Welcome to NeighborGood

Welcome to NeighborGood

Connecting Neighbors, Building Blocks

Connecting Neighbors, Building Blocks

Who We Are

NeighborGood is a framework you can use to create cohesion on your block, cul-de-sac, road, apartment floor, or anywhere else neighboring takes place.

We’re just people who build community where we live.

Why We Exist

Imagine your ideal neighborhood. Whatever you see, hear, or feel, NeighborGood can help you make it happen.

We give people an excuse to step out of the silos of our busy lives and get to know the people who are literally steps away, way beyond a wave from afar.

We believe relationships build safety and trust, and that communities are stronger when people feel connected and have a sense of belonging.

How We Work

Dog with a Donut Balanced on Top of Its Head

Being a good neighbor is as easy as balancing a donut on your head! Well, maybe there’s a little more to it.

The good news about good neighboring is it’s only steps away:

  1. One or more people on your block volunteer to be a Block Connector.
  2. Each Block Connector becomes a hub of information and resources on your block.
  3. Facilitated and spontaneous connections start happening.
  4. Neighbors know, like, and trust each other more.
  5. Better safety, more happiness, and a neighborly vibe that makes you proud ensue.

Our Team

NeighborGood is more about a wonderfully decentralized network of neighbors than any individual person. But we still thought you’d like to know who’s on the Core Team behind the scenes. :)

Ashley Rashid
Ashley Rashid
Jenny Griskevicius
Jenny Griskevicius
Joel Zaslofsky
Joel Zaslofsky
Katie Mader Halcrow
Katie Mader Halcrow
Kenzie Wilcox
Kenzie Wilcox

Photo Credit: MonkeyBusiness