The South Stroll

The South Stroll

Family with young kids and a dog walking down the block

Every Day from 6:30 – 8:00 pm

The South Stroll is a short walk taken purely for pleasure and social interaction.

It’s a statement that seeing and being seen is important on our blocks. Not to mention an easy and fun thing to integrate into our lives. 😊

Bonus: maybe you or your kids will make new friends and you’ll better digest your dinner through movement.

So, how does it work?

  1. Walk out your front door.
  2. Roam around your block, building, or the surrounding streets.
  3. Be social with the people you meet.
  4. Do it again another week.


Every evening between 6:30 – 8:00 pm, mid-April to late September. That’s a post-dinner and pre-bedtime sweet spot for most people when the days are long and the weather is warm(ish).

Do it when you want for as long as you want. There’s no such thing as starting your South Stroll “late” or finishing too “early.”

Have to? Certainly not. If you want to, that’s cool with us. Or wander around your surrounding streets and see who else there is to meet. Make this your own.

We want to make an evening stroll ritualized and decentralized. No one person needs to participate on any given day or at any given time because the whole nature of it is informal and organic.

We’re inspired by the Italian passeggiata (their version of an evening stroll) and there’s some added nuance if you care to explore it. It’s not unique to Italians as it’s practiced in other forms all over the world.

It started in South Edina and we like the word “stroll.” So South + Stroll seemed appropriate.

Of course, everyone is south of something (unless you live with Santa at the North Pole). So don’t worry if you don’t feel like you live in the south of wherever you are.

Not at the moment. But we highly encourage you to roam your block or the surrounding streets whenever you want so you can see and be seen.

Photo Credit: MonkeyBusiness